Videos on the Earth Charter

Mar 8, 2011 at 4:07 PM by Jaana Laitinen

After watching these two videos on the EC, please leave your comments here on what was most influential part of both of the videos for you?

EC TV spot:

Overview of the Earth Charter:

This post was edited on: 2011-03-08 at 04:16 PM by: Jaana Laitinen (Moderator)

12 Replies

Jaana Laitinen
Mar 8, 2011 at 4:15 PM

If you want to read what has happened in these example countries afterwards, check these links:



The Netherlands:


And if you want to see what is situation in your country, check this link:

Madeline Matia
Mar 12, 2011 at 3:28 PM

I like how the main values of the Earth Charter aren't directed towards a specific country; they benefit all countries. The environmental aspect benefits the developed countries, the poverty aspect benefits developing countries, and the social aspect helps all countries going through conflicts. As countries change, the Earth Charter will keep going, no matter what.

This post was edited on: 2011-03-13 at 03:39 PM by: Madeline Matia

Madeline Matia
Mar 12, 2011 at 3:42 PM

From both videos, I appreciate how you can see that kids were involved, because the paintings were made by kids. It shows how kids can change the world by making art like that. I think people believe kids more with issues like this because they know that kids are doing it for peace and not for other reasons.

This post was edited on: 2011-03-13 at 03:39 PM by: Madeline Matia

Samira Hassan Ahmed
Mar 13, 2011 at 8:45 AM

The most inflential part on:

Earth Charter Video Spot; Crisis such as Climate change, lack of respect for lives, wars, violence and the economic recession; these causes fundamental changes that address the root causes of the problems.
No superficial measures but a new approach, a vision that goes just beyond ME and take into account all of US here and everywhere around the world. A model based on cooperation and into connection and justice.

The Earth Charter; Fundamental changes are need in our values, institutions and ways of living. I am really impressed on the national level initiative in US, Mexcio;etc.. to mainstream earth charter on their programmes and sectors. This may influence and bring change at the grass root in every community.

Santigie Bayo Dumbuya
Mar 13, 2011 at 7:32 PM

Name: Santigie Bayo Dumbuya
Country: Sierra Leone
Age: 29

1. My favorite principles: Respect and care for the community of life

2. Profession/background:
I am a student/Youth led-development Activist pursuing the course of National Diploma in Business Administration and Management at the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology Congo Cross Campus, year ll. Also, I am the Co-founder and Programme Coordinator of My Own children International organization Sierra Leone chapter. It is a children charity organization which has its headquarter based in Alberta Canada, working on health, education, agriculture, peace and conflict including environment with regards to children and young people. The organization through my hard work and colleagues’ now have partners in Sierra Leone and beyond such as Links for change in London (www.links4change.con) , UNDP-CSOs Forum, WaterAid ( , African Youth Initiative on Climate Change(AYICC), Clean up the world Australia ( , etc . My life goal is:
To develop my educational and technical skills to better equip and response to issues affecting mankind in the global world through partnership, friendship, exchange programs and resources mobilization.
My expectations are, at the end of the course I will be well equip with clear understanding about the issues of human Rights, Peace and Environment and it interrelation to human development . Also, I expect to create friendship internationally using an online training platform to better help one another’s organization and communities we all belong, sharing ideas and learn from success and failures and improve on usual mistakes.
If I could have any ‘’super power’’ I would have make the world recognize that all beings are independent and every form of life has value regardless of its worth to human beings.

Santigie Bayo Dumbuya
Mar 13, 2011 at 7:38 PM

ON both Videos, I am so moved the way children are playing due to safe environment and painting to demonstrate that safe environment is important to every living thing. Also the area where children are crying due to change in the environmental conflict, lack of respect for human life, power anticipation by leaders sometimes also create disaster to the environment due to lack of peace and unity among parties.

The Earth overview video is so great because since the official launching in 2000, many shows interest to the earth Charter more especially the outstanding official launching of an independent and declaration of the US Earth charter,and also the involvement of community initiatives so that the message will reach everyone through projects designing to implement Earth charter programs at community level. I says that this is my opportunity to take part of this training to improve my knowledge to sensitize my community in Sierra Leone.

Mar 14, 2011 at 3:26 PM

through that video it was highlighted the vision of EC for the planet's history, the problems engendered by our attitudes. and it is clear that for these problems have their roots in social and economic injustice.

Jason Doiron
Mar 14, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Totally agreeing with you Woofer,

The charter is and must be accessible. I continue to believe that one of the most important challenge for all EC related initiatives is that they must reach the most number of people. This planet isn't going to renew fast enough if it's renewal isn't contributed to by all members of the global society. One of the goals of the ECI is to go mainstream, and I do believe it's the way to go. Simplifying to make it more accessible and we will permit the most amount of people doing something because they care.

I also applaud the multi-lingual aspect of the charter.

Cheers from Canada.

Jason Doiron

Meeckel B Beecher
Mar 14, 2011 at 11:18 PM

I am encouraged that most of the videos focus on the importance of an approach that is people centered. I have always believed that people are the real wealth of nations and if we can promote people as important many thing will just fall into place.

Mar 14, 2011 at 11:27 PM

Regarding the videos,
1) The Earth Charter Video –
The concept of 1 minute video to express what Earth Charter has been created for is an amazing thought. Kudos to the developers. Even laymen could clearly visualize that how we and our ignorant society is responsible for all the environmental mayhems. It also conveys a great message that we have to work together in a sustainable manner so as to restore or natural surroundings.
2) The Earth Charter Inception and Launch-
It’s an amazing video showing the initiation of great journey of Earth Charter. Right from its inception, it has got many supporters and endorsers which make us believe that if on one side we are exploiting our nature, then on the other side we do regret our haphazard approach for the same and would work together for its betterment. The acceptability of Earth Charter has been enormous at the Governmental and Industrial front and many of those are actually working tough for its principles.
I believe that now it’s our turn, the Youth to take its principles to our very own communities, enhance its accessibility to the distant and backward areas and increase awareness about its principles and goals so our better future.

Meeckel B Beecher
Mar 14, 2011 at 11:27 PM

I also think it is a wonderful move to get the message out to children, this way protecting the earth becomes a way of life, something that is "normal" and comes without thought. I am also encouraged about the application of the Earth Charter in different countries... There is hope after all

Briskila.S Albert
Mar 23, 2011 at 7:06 AM

The videos are good and very educative.Working towards bringing change of attitude, love for humanity, peace and progress,that men may dwell together in harmony.
People believe and remember what they see with their eyes more than the one they hear . It may not be possible for every body to watch the videos, but if majority of the communities will be previlledged to watch, see, believe and remember it,there will be the change in attitude and the new begining we ALL desire to have.