Latest Announcement
Posted by Jaana Laitinen on 24 Mar 2011

Welcome to Tread Lightly E-Course:
Transition to a Sustainable Lifestyle with the Earth Charter!


In March 2011 some 30 participants from all over the world will gather here, in this virtual classroom, to share, learn and experience sustainable ways of living.

We will be using the Earth Charter as our 'inspirational road map' throughout this journey.

During the course participants will be equipped with the skills to live a more sustainable lifestyle. They will learn how to implement the principles of sustainability on an individual and organizational level and to realize their role as a leader in this shift.

This course has been created in collaboration between
Tread Lightly
and Earth Charter International secretariat.

March 8th, Tuesday, 3pm - 5pm GMT
March 15th, Tuesday, 3pm - 5pm GMT
March 22nd, Tuesday, 3pm - 5pm GMT
April 5th. Tuesday, 3pm - 5pm GMT *

Time zone converter - what time is 3pm GMT in your country?

The sessions will take place in this room's Video Chat feature.

*Note new, rescheduled time!

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